1967 Mustang Color Information

Exterior & Interior Colors, Numbers & Trim Codes

1967 Mustang Colors

1967 Mustang Colors

While we already outlined all the colors for the 1967 Mustang in our in depth guide, we know that some people just need more detail. This page is for those people. Below we have all the color options for the 1967 Mustang, including exterior colors, interior colors and other color-related options. We have also included a helpful 1967 Mustang color chart too.

A total of 28 exterior colors were offered for the 1967 Mustang model year. Adding in Shelby colors and any special colors and total comes to 47 options. Besides the special colors available on the many 1967 special model Mustangs, several colors could be special ordered on any 1967 Mustang hardtop, fastback, or convertible. The Diamond Green Mustang was a very light, almost white, green and had an exterior color code of H. The Diamond Blue Mustang was a very light blue with an exterior color code of N. A very bold pink was used for the Dusk Rose Mustang and had a color code of S (the one shown here is a bit faded). A Playboy Pink Mustang was also offered but should not be confused with the Playboy Pink Mustang given to Playboy playmate of the year in 1964.

Credit for all codes and colors goes to paintref.com. Please check out the site. If you are looking for automotive paint and trying to figure out the name of a color, their automotive paint database is the place to go. You can support all their hard work by also checking out their Mustang Special Editions book.

Exterior 1967 Mustang Colors & Codes

Below is a list of exterior colors, colors codes, samples, paint codes and PPG codes for the 1967 Mustang. There were dozens of exterior paint colors for the 1967 Ford Mustang. Note that the trunk spatter finish is Black and White on Gray Brown, DX-1756 (PPG). Colors marked with “#” were used only on High Country Special Mustangs.

1967 Mustang Color Chart

1967 Mustang Color Chart

1967 Mustang PPG / Ditzler Colors

1967 Mustang PPG / Ditzler Colors

1967 Mustang Interior Colors & Trim Codes

The following were the interior trim options. During the first Mustang generation, the interior materials used changed all the time. That means that “blue vinyl” from two adjacent years might look different. This isn’t just because of the dye, but also the vinyl’s texture.

1967 Mustang Interior Color Chart

1967 Mustang Interior Color Chart

1967 Mustang Convertible Top Colors

Convertible top colors were either black or white as standard. Obviously these days you can get 1967 Mustang convertible tops in any color you can think of.

Leave As Neutral Parts

These are parts meant to stay neutral in color on the ’67 Mustang. Leave these as neutral parts. sand or bead blast and phosphate or coat with clear acrylic.

Leave As Chassis Black

The following parts should be painted chassis black on the ’67 Mustang.