2000 Ford Mustang Cobra VIN Information

2000 Cobra VIN & Data Plate Information

VIN Decoder Cobra 2000

2000 Ford Mustang Cobra VIN Decoder

VIN Decoder

VIN Decoder Cobra 2000

VIN Location

The 2000 Ford Mustang Cobra VIN number is on top edge of the dash on the driver’s side visible through the windshield.

Decoder Sheet

Year 2000
Example 1FAFP47H#YF100001
1st to 3rd Digit (Manufacturer) 1FA = Ford Motor Company USA Ford passenger car
4th Digit (Safety) F = Driver/Passenger Air Bags
5th to 7th Digit (Model) P47 = Coupe Cobra R
8th Digit (Engine) H = 4.6L DOHC V8
9th Digit (Check Digit) Any digit of 0,1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,0 or X
10th Digit (Year) Y = 2000
11th Digit (Assembler) F = Dearborn, Michigan
12th to 17th Digits Sequential unit number