2008 Ford Mustang Shelby VIN Information

2008 Shelby VIN & Data Plate Information

VIN Decoder Shelby 2008

2008 Ford Mustang Shelby VIN Decoder

VIN Decoder

VIN Decoder Shelby 2008

Decoder Sheet

Year 2008
Example 1ZVXT8#S#85100001
1st Three Digits (Manufacturer) 1ZV = Automotive Alliance International
Ford passenger car
4th Digit (Safety) H = Front and Side Air Bags
5th, 6th & 7th Digit (Model) T82 = Shelby GT Coupe
T85 = Shelby GT Convertible
T88 = Shelby GT-500 Coupe
T88 = Shelby GT-500KR Coupe
T89 = Shelby GT-500 Convertible
8th Digit (Engine) H = 5.4L 319hp V8
S = 5.4L 500hp V8
9th Digit (Check Digit) “Any digit of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 or X”
10th Digit (Year) 8 = 2008
11th Digit (Assembler) 5 = AAI: Flat Rock, Michigan
12th to 17th Digit Sequential unit number