1965 Ford Mustang Shelby VIN Information

1965 Shelby VIN & Data Plate Information

VIN Decoder Shelby 1965

1965 Ford Mustang Shelby VIN Decoder

VIN Decoder

VIN Decoder Shelby 1965

VIN Location

The 1965 Shelby VIN number is found under the hood on top of the driver’s side fender apron on an aluminum plate pop riveted over the Ford VIN plate.

Decoder Sheet

Year 1965
Example SFM5X001
1st 3 digits (Manufacturer) SFM = Shelby Ford Mustang
4th Digit (Year) 5 = 1965
5th Digit (Variant Code) S = Street (GT-350)
R = Race (GT-350R)
Digit 7 to 9 (Unit Number) Sequential unit number